Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Good morning guys and ladies!

You will browse the following website and answer a few questions about ISO in WORD.

Please use complete sentences.
1. What is ISO, basically?
2. A lower ISO number means-?
3. A higher ISO number means-?
4. What is the part inside your camera that controls the sensitivity to light?
5. What is the drawback to increasing the sensitivity to light?
6. What is a typical "base" level ISO?
7. When is it impossible to use the base level ISO?
8. What is a typical ISO sequence (what different numbers do you have on your camera?)
9. Each step between the numbers _______________ the sensitivity of the sensor.
10. What is the relation between ISO sensitivity and time needed to take a photo (shutter speed)?
11. Can you explain in basic terms how the guy got the ghost effect in his photograph?
12. If you use Auto ISO, what can you do to limit the amount of grain in the photo?
13: REVIEW: What camera setting controls how LONG light enters the camera?
14. REVIEW: What camera setting controls how MUCH light enters the camera?
15. REVIEW: What camera setting controls how SENSITIVE the camera is to light?

When finished, save your worksheet and prepare to turn it in tomorrow at the beginning of class. If you are finished early, you may take additional still life photos for extra credit. (If taking extra credit photos- Think about what ISO you should use for best quality!)

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