Monday, April 24, 2017

Catch up- look ahead

Hi everyone! Welcome back.

Today we will be doing 3 things.

1. Pick up any prints of your work on the counter.

2.. Check your progress report grade and make sure everything looks correct.

3. Turn in your double exposure photos (2!!!) See last post.
These are coming out WONDERFUL. The best ones align the nature photo with the natural lines of the model's face/anatomy. Take a look:The branches in the first radiate out from the face, mimicking hair, and the bark almost fits like a coat.

Here, he lets the face divide the space between the green leaves and tiny flowers, so the flowers fit almost like a veil. 

4. Begin formulating ideas for the next project- "Two sides to every story"
 You are going to come up with a concept for this project that will require some creative thinking. It can reflect an experience in your own life, or you can make one up. You are going to present two sides to a story, using your photography skills, editing skills, and your fellow classmates as models/actors. You will be the art director, producer, photographer, and editor- meaning you are not in your own shots- you are calling the shots.

You will take several base shots like these 3, presenting your frames, which will be your story boards, in various ways. Decide if you want your frame-holders faces showing, or not. Inside the frames, you will present two photographs that tell two sides to a story. 

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