Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Adjustment layers

You can edit all the frames in your GIF at once by using adjustment layers. Adjustment layers give you all the classic edits like levels, hue/saturation, color balance, exposure, etc, in a convenient layer that sits on top and affects all the layers below it. Look right above your layers palette for the menu that looks like this, full of symbols:
Run your mouse over each one to see what that icon represents. MAKE SURE YOUR LAYERS ARE ALL TURNED ON. Check your "little eyeballs" on each layer. The adjustment won't take effect in a frame of your animation if that layer is turned off.

****Don't forget to resize your GIF****

1. Click   Image--> Image size
2. Change "pixels" to "percent"
3. Enter a suitable percentage size (Hint: What size are you viewing at in Photoshop??)
4. Click OK

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Here's the link to the tutorial I followed for today's demo.
 It is pretty good- it has lots of pictures to show you where to click- but he skips a few important things:

1. Crop, resize, and edit your image AFTER you "Load Files into Stack" but BEFORE you use Timeline to create frame animation.

2. Make sure that your Timeline says "Create frame animation" in the middle when you open it-
   NOT "CREATE VIDEO TIMELINE". If it says "create video timeline", use the drop-down arrow next to it to change it.

3. BEFORE step 6 (where you open the menu and click "Make frames from layers") you MUST CLICK "Create frame animation" on the main timeline. See below:

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday 12/6 Substitute

Hello again guys,
I'm still ill, but I have an interesting video for you guys about the history of animation which ties into our GIF making process.

SUBSTITUTE: After students have had 7 minutes or so to read the blog and set up their WORD document, Please play the following video on the projector from either youtube or cleanvideosearch, whichever will open.

STUDENTS: Open WORD and copy the following list and look over the terms.  Pay special attention to these terms because you will explain what these things are, or what they were significant for by the end of class. Note you will have extra time at the end, so you will be able to get onto Google if you did not catch a definition.

0. EXAMPLE: What is cel animation? Cel animation means every frame is drawn by hand.
1. 1609- What was the "magic lantern"?
2. 1800s- Thaumatrope?
3. 1800s- Zoetrope?
4. Gertie the Dinosaur was the first...?
5. 1928- Steamboat Willie was the first?
6. What happened in 1929?
7.  What happened to animation as a result of #6?
8. 1937- Snow White was the first?
9. What is "rotoscoping"?
10. What is FPS?
11. What is CGI?
12. Claymation?
13. 2009- Avatar was the first...?
14. 1988- Akira was the first?
15. By now, in 2016, is "cell animation" dead?

Please change your answers to a different color, or bold them. Save your WORD file as lastname_firstname_animation.doc

Monday, December 5, 2016

Substitute Monday 12/5/2016

Hello to sub and students,
I am sick today so I am leaving you with a video about Eadweard Muybridge. You need a piece of paper- You will watch the movie and collect 15 facts that stand out to you. The notes will be due at the end of the period.

These are both the same video, one linked to youtube and one to the district's clean video search.
You can't open them on the school computers but the substitute can on the projector.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Today's Agenda

Eadweard Muybridge Video on Youtube
Eadweard Muybridge's Zoopraxiscope
Here are two important videos for those people watching at home.

1. Today, you will finish your 8x10 300 resolution notes page on Eadweard Muybridge and turn it in.

2. Then, you and your partner will brainstorm and log 6 ideas each. Come up with 3 ideas involving people and 3 ideas involving objects. They don't have to be great ideas, just any ideas. The goal is to have a plan when you go outside.

3. You will go out and begin shooting when you have finished the above.
 TIPS for shooting GIFs:
--You MUST use a tripod
--Start with moving objects instead of people
--Think about how it is going to loop, meaning your model/item has to end in the same place it began

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Yesterday we turned in the 2 Bursting Color photos PLUS the contact sheet of our source images. Remember, the last day I will accept your bursting color photos is Wednesday, Dec. 7th.

Today we will look again at Edweard Muybridge and begin to create our own animated gifs! We will be creating cinemagraphs- similar to the photos on and