Monday, January 9, 2017

1-9-2017 Sub Day

1. On Friday we wrote most of the critique together, but we did not finish the last 3 paragraphs. I would like you to finish the last 3 paragraphs on your own. Then, you will have your partner proof-read your critique and check for the following elements. Once your partner has given your critique a second read, you can turn your word document in to the turn-in folder.

2. After you turn in your personal critique, you and your partner will look at images together and decide on an image to critique together. You will discuss the image and draft a full critique together. Make sure you discuss each element thoroughly! You do not have to finish the partner critique today.

Here is the guide:
The powerpoint we saw Friday is also on the M-Drive in the Miss E folder

 In this critique you will go through all seven elements of art and include your opinion on the piece.  Here is how your critique should break down:

Paragraph 1: Introduce your picture’s name, artist, and year, and any other information you have about it.  Describe what your picture shows in as much detail as you can. 

Paragraph two: Describe the use of color in your picture. What colors do you see? Do the colors suggest any specific feeling? You must state which color scheme the artist is chosen, if any. Common color schemes are: complementary, analogous, primary, monochromatic, achromatic, and neutral. 

Paragraph three: Describe use of line in your image. Are there any leading lines? Other strong horizontal or vertical? Perhaps a horizon line? 

Paragraph 4: Describe the use of space in your photo. Does your picture have shallow space or deep space? Do you have lots of positive space or lots of negative space? 

Paragraph five: Describe the use of value in your image. Do you have mostly light values or dark? Do you have many middle grays or is your image high contrast with very few mid tones? Does the lightness or darkness of the photo suggest a mood or emotion? (Remember, color has value, too!)

Paragraph 6: Describe the use of texture in your photo. Texture adds interest and enriches a photo. What sort of textures has your artist used to draw that you were in. Do those textures communicate a mood or feeling?

Paragraph 7: Describe the use of shape in your photo. Remember shape is 2D and flat. Are there more organic shapes, more geometric shapes, or a mix of both? Identify each in your photo.

Paragraph 8: Describe the forms in your image. Remember forms are 3-D. If you can hold it in your hand it is a form! Forms can be either geometric or organic. Identify the geometric and organic forms in your image.

 Paragraph 9: Finally, discuss your personal feelings on the image. Describe what you'd like and don't like about it. Describe how you interpret the feeling and subject matter (what emotions or message do you think is there?) Give your overall opinion on why.

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