Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Welcome back!
We are going to have a critique week! This means we are going to be doing a lot of writing about photographs using our elements of art. Unfortunately, we haven't discussed elements in 3 months. Today you are going to create a new document in Microsoft Word.

Using Google and Word, I would like you to create a journal entry which includes the following elements of art vocab, with the meaning and a visual example. This will be your cheat sheet as you critique photographs in the upcoming week. Remember, this is a guide to help YOU. Simply cutting and pasting a definition you do not understand will not help you. If one definition you find is too complex, keep looking until you find one that makes sense to you.

1. complementary colors
2. analogous colors
3. primary colors
4.  monochromatic colors
5. achromatic colors
6. neutral colors
7. horizon line
8. leading lines
9. shallow vs. deep space
10. positive space
11. negative space
12. value
13. contrast
14. texture
15. shape vs. form
16. organic shape
17. geometric shape
18. organic form
19. geometric form
20. look for, and insert a photo you would like to critique or search "famous photographs"

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